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Basset Hound Blood Tracking : Useful Links


The Tracking Deer Blood Method. Effective. 0 Votes. Step. 1.


Bassett Hounds are closely related to Blood hounds right? Liver drag the easiest way too see if she has any potential to track? Kabic, Jun 23 ...


fwiw I don't know of anyone doing blood tracking with basset hounds for whatever reason it is fairly popular with dachshund and not a lot else.


tracking what, PROVEN to be very good blood trail dog i.e locating shot shot deer  ...


The dogs must learn to track scent lines of wounded deer, which are a day or more ...


Blood tracking with beagles. Today we received this e-mail from Dustin Hoover in Maryland. Dear John and Jolanta, I am interested in starting a ...

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