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Enrichment - Tracking with Basset Hound

... R&R, relaxation and recreation. This is one form of pure enrichment for a tracking breed like a Basset Hound (our friend Norman ). -just cruising the acreage.

Basset Hound Tracking : Useful Links


Basset hounds are known the world over for their keen sense of smell and their ability to follow a scent uninterrupted for miles. Teaching your ...


Today, basset hounds do well in hunting tests, tracking, and scent work. They are also good family companions as they are docile, affectionate, and tolerant of ...


Basset hounds, short-legged hunting dogs developed in England, are amazing scenting hounds, able to follow a scent trail accurately and ...


Tracking. Who may participate? Open to all AKC Registered Basset Hounds. Basset Hounds with a PAL number are allowed. Dogs must be six months of age or ...


How does one go about teaching a hound to track? Can it be done by oneself? Are there groups to join? Is there really a whole lot of teaching ...


Bassett Hounds are closely related to Blood hounds right? Liver drag the easiest way too see if she has any potential to track? Kabic, ...


I am just starting to read up on tracking and it looks like something I would really like to get Molly and I involved in. She is currently 3 months old ...


Page 15 - Course 401 Tracking with a Basset Hound. P. 15. TD TRAINING: Part 1 By Craig Green Tally-Ho: July-August 1994 ATTENTION BEGINNING OR ...

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