Basset Hound tracking deer - YouTube
Feb 4, 2017 ... Hunting basset hound deer track.
7 week old Basset Hound puppy learning to track. - YouTube
Apr 11, 2015 ... This is a video of Winston the newest member of Rose City Deer Tracking Hounds. We have him chasing deer hooves to imprint the deer scent ...
Basset Hound For Tracking Deer : Useful Links
Training your Basset hound to track deer to aid you in locating quarry or following a wounded animal can be very useful. Basset hounds are ...
I have trained many "mutts" into very good tracking dogs. I like anything with Bassett hound in it. Starting with a liver drag or deer hoof drag is a ...
Strong versatile dogs that are used for blood tracking. UT
fwiw I don't know of anyone doing blood tracking with basset hounds for
be very good blood trail dog i.e locating shot shot deer that are not instantly killed.
The dogs must learn to track scent lines of wounded deer, which are a day or more ...
Basset hounds are old hunting dogs and will trail a deer. Most any kind of dog can be trained as a blood dog, several people use daschunds.
Dear John and Jolanta, I am interested in starting a deer tracking club ...