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Best Coon Hound For Tracking Deer : Useful Links


ive made the best efforts to keep him from smelling me, ive placed sent markers up to 40' apart but he still finds them. i know it sounds crazy but i ...


Has anyone on here tried training there dogs to track wounded deer? If so how long did it take, and what worked best for training. Currently I am ...


Discussing the best breed of hunting dog for various game is kind of like


coondawgs.com, coonhound breeders / kennels, coonhounds, coon dog, bluetick , black and tan,


The Plott coonhound is much larger and more muscular in comparison to its fellow coonhounds. He is the best for his powerful, streamlined body, ...


I know people use all kinds of dogs to blood trail deer; most of what I've


tracking dogs. They are adept at hunting raccoons, deer, and bear .


Top Tracking Dogs. A good nose, interest in deer and blood, and a willingness to please are all that's required of a tracking dog ...

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